Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 4...

Yes in case you were wondering I've done day 3 and day 4 on the same day. But only because I normally do this in the evening and yesterday was St. Paddy's Day.... You can't blame me! Lol.

Okay one thing before I start with the next song, if you hate bullies and wanna see one get absolutely owned type in Casey Heynes into youtube. That kid is a freaking legend!!

Right, now for day 4.. A song that makes me sad :(
As i said in my last post there were a whole number of songs that make me sad but even so I pretty much instantly thought of the song that made me feel real down. Just first though, in the tradition of my other posts I'll keep you guessing what it is :P haha.

One song I thought of that made me feel sad is actually a bit different to the normal type of music I listen to; it's classical music and it's the only classical song I have on my iTunes. Nevertheless, it's Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata and it really doesn't take a musical genius to realise the heartache that old Ludwig was feeling when he composed that piece. It is pretty heart wrenching I must admit, and I think anyone who has felt how he obviously was feeling (rejection is a bitch) can relate to it and feel his pain.

But that's not the song I'm gonna choose for this because I can't put lyrics down haha.

So fuck it haha, without much more waffle the song I'm gonna choose is Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus:

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm strong
I have figured out
How this world turns cold
and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find
deep inside me
I can be the one

I will never let you fall(let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all(though it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall (let you fall)
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay, stay

Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

If you haven't heard this song you really MUST. The song actually sounds like it's about love but apparently it's dedicated to 8 students who lost their lives when a tornado ripped through the high school.. That explains why it's so sad, and the 90 seconds of silence at the end must be a time to reflect on that in the same vein as 2 minutes silences and all that jazz..

But come on, you cant disagree with me that this is a really sad song.. It just is.. Simple as.. No explanation needed about why it makes me feel sad, but ah yeah you get the point :)/:(

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 3...

A song that makes me happy.

Surprisingly this was a lot harder than I thought it would be, because tbh there isn't a lot of songs that makes me very happy. I'm not sure why really but ah i dunno. Songs just don't do that for me, they're really good to listen to but as for making me happy I'm not sure.. And it's funny because tomorrow's song is a song that makes me sad and I can think of a whole number of songs that make me sad..

Maybe it's to do with relation, I normally try to find a way to relate to a song and for some reason happier songs are harder to relate to for me. You'll see later what I mean for tomorrow's song :)

Nevertheless there are definitely a whole range of songs that are really really upbeat and can get you up and moving and thinking fuck me, life is awesomeeeeee. Which it is of course :) Haha.

Okay so after assessing this, I had to look quite deeply at the songs I had on my iTunes to figure out what upbeat song never failed to make me happy. Or actually I should say songs that I listen to when I'm feeling happy.

But anywhoo, the song I've chosen for today is.........

The Hives- Tick Tick Boom:

Yeah, yeah, yeah
I was right all along
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You come tagging along

Exhibit 'A' on a tray, what you say?
Ends up thrown in your face
Exhibit 'B' what you see, well, that's me
I'll put you back in your place

Yeah, I?ve done it before
And I can do it some more
So what you waiting for?
Yeah, I was right all along

'Cause I have done it before
And I can do it some more
I?ve got my eye on the score
I?m gonna cut through the floor

It?s too late, it's too soon
Or is it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick
Tick, tick, boom?

Yeah, yeah, yeah
I was right, you were wrong
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Going, going, you?re gone

I saw you yesterday, been waiting too much
Until it slipped through your hands
And then you stagger to the feet and out the door
Cause there's no second chance

Cause I have done it before
And I can do it some more
I've got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut through the floor

It's too late, it's too soon
Or is it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick
Tick, tick, boom?

And you come crying to me
But it's too late
The man you try hard to be
But it's too late

Get your head out of the sand
But it's too late, it?s too late
Too late, too late, too late

Yeah, but it's too late
Yeah, but it's too late
You get your head out of the sand
But it's too late, it's too late, too late

You know I?ve done it before
And I can do it some more
I've got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut through the floor

You know I've done it before
And I can do it some more
I've got my eye on the score
I'm gonna cut through the floor

It's too late, it's too soon
It's too late, it?'too soon
It's too late, it's too soon
Or is it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick
Tick, tick, boom?

As I read through the lyrics I realise this actually is a really really happy song haha. It's about proving someone wrong!! Lol. Proving someone wrong is always friggin' good. Not being arrogant or anything but I think EVERYONE gets satisfaction from proving someone wrong haha. Although when you get proven wrong obviously it's not a great thing.

But yep that is definitley a song that makes me happy :)

Tomorrow: A Song that makes me sad :(

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 2...

Okay next up: My Least Favourite Song

Believe it or not, this was more difficult that I first imagined. I presumed I would choose something suchas 'Baby' by Justin Bieber, or the latest viral video which I'm not quite sure whether is meant to be a joke or serious- 'Friday' by Rebecca Black.

But then I thought, really I havent properly listened to those songs i.e they're not on my iTunes list. Hence why ive decided to keep the songs in this 'challenge' limited to my iTunes songs.

After a think and a scroll though I was looking at a lot of songs that I didn't like but didn't hate, and a lot of stuff I wouldn't choose through fear of insulting someone.

But then it occurred to me. I have a particular album on my iTunes that I have never listened to simply because of the first song on the album. It is simply a disaster, a heroin fuelled mess of morbid and depressing tones. Not even a fucking emo would want to listen to it. The only time I could possibly think I would like this song was if I was on some type of crazy hallucinogenic.

Any guesses....?

The song is: Enter A Uh- John Frusciante

you see me now
while ago
you could shred this size only
you are a blender uh
we are always be with you with be me hey
i am masculine to all the lie
i am a boy and i know about him only
line life ago i made her
give me heeee i know
made her sky my (??)
to high can't be we are
higher can be we are
higher couple we are
i could be we uh ah
la la la la la la la ahhh oi oi oi ya o o
enter a uh
while (??)
we we are all
i am only reveal a gold demon
i am yeller
kiss me there where
i bother told about her film and make her sensorial
i see i mean
without me
like it's ocean
well i've been on there
withavidavida screwer
withavidavida screwer
aii aiii aii oiii oiii
-(very high pitch) heeeelp-
you seen the same order ohh you missed
you headless eyes lonely babe lord i was ready yaaay
i was gonna dream that if we were yaaay. ohh.
i wonder if we were (??)
leave me alone me said
i'm afraid

but which from one more buy
bad brown wears is bad
round round lonely babe into drain
diss it very good look me for the colder
bad feel.
bad sky while (??) lion lame life lame life lies on land
skies fuck you
i wanna kiss meet you
devote you to help

i (??) stains for father reaches his back
well into a bowl
it isn't so task true key
insandrium heart leave back
daughter danger life
cuz they all know

And just so you can get the full gist of all awful this song truly is here's the link to youtube so you can listen if you really want. I do warn you about it though:

Now to be fair, the lyrics to this song have some potential, they're a bit scrambled but if you scratch your head about it you can get the gist. Like fuck I'm gonna explain it though.
And I have one of his later albums Curtains that he recorded in 2005 when he was off the drugs and it's actually a really really good album. And lets not forget his mastery in RHCP as a guitarist.

The album Smile From The Streets You Hold was reportedly sold for drug money. No wonder it was so bad.

I can understand why it's like it is, but it doesn't change the fact that this is my Least Favourite Song.

Tomorrow A song that makes me happy :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Challenge...

In that mood again you may say. I may say so too.
This time however I won't exactly be blogging about anything in particular. But I've seen a couple of people do this and I think it looks pretty fucking awesome if I can remember to do it everyday.

Note to self: Don't forget.

So it's called the 30 day song challenge and basically you name a song that makes you feel a variety of things. If you wanna see what each day will bring then just search it up on google.

The format that I would like to follow is to name the particular, type the lyrics and explain why it's like it is.

So the first day is possible gonna be the most difficult for me: My Favourite Song. My music taste is so widely varying that it's really impossible for me to think of my favourite song ever. But I'll try...


Well at the moment, I must admit my favourite song is Mrs Potter's Lullaby by Counting Crows.
But if I were to say my favourite song of all time, I may have to look at My Top 25 Most Played on iTunes.

And there it is.
My favourite song:
Set The Fire To The Third Bar- Snow Patrol

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from A to where you'd B
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've felt so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science

Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

I'm miles from where you are
I lay down on the cold ground
I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

After I have travelled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep it

I'm miles from where you are
I lay down on the cold ground
And I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

I'm miles from where you are
I lay down on the cold ground
I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

The more I think, the more I know that this is my favourite song of all time.
I'm not sure quite why.. I think the lyrics have a whole lot to do about it.

Tomorrow: My Least Favourite Song
Aha that should be fun.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Disasters. Another one. This time in Japan. And it's horrible. Tsunamis, fires, earthquakes. Not even the most advanced nation in the whole world can prepare for something on the scale that Japan is witnessing right now.

And things are just getting worse and it's awful. Just this year there's been floods in Queensland, an earthquake in Christchurch and now the Tsunami in Japan. What more can we expect? Everything seems to be leading up to one huge event.

And you know what, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty scared about what might happen. I mean I never used to think about any of that sorta thing really. Natural disasters dont really happen in England or Auckland. But now living in Wellington and witnessing two earthquakes already.. What if what happened in Chch or Japan happens here. Who's really prepared for anything like that?

It's sad though because at 18 I have to look at these things, and ask myself whether my life so far has been worth it all. 20th March there's been a prediction. I mean I'm not saying that anything is gonna happen, it probably won't. Know of these events can be linked. They're all just minor coincidences. Right?

But it's the big whatif? Everyone should ask themselves whatif?

It's funny because I only blog when I'm in certain moods. As my other posts reflect obviously.. Although I've deleted those now and you can't see them. But why now has my mood switched to this, this insatiable need to blog about something that really isn't going to affect me?

But it does. It affects everyone. Because we're all connected in this life, and when a large group of people feels pain like that in Japan and ChCh we all stop. And we take a moment to think about the scale of what they're feeling. We could never possibly imagine what it's like unless we've been in that situation.

And even so, I still don't think I'm blogging because of that.. The truth is I want to blog about something else but cant. And won't. Because it's no-ones interest. No-one wants to hear about what's going on with me. So instead I project my feelings onto what's happening in Japan.

And too right as well, because they're the people who are suffering right now. And all I want to do is help. But I can't, because I don't have the means. But this is why I'm at university. So eventually I can help people. So I can eventually change someone's life for the better. If I could change just one persons life, I'd be content. If everyone could change one person's life for the better, the world would be a much better place. But the sad truth is not everyone is like that.. Not everyone cares about how others feel. And it makes me sad.

And it makes me sad that no-one realises.

It makes me sad that you don't realise.

Christchurch. Stay strong. The whole of New Zealand is by your side.
Japan. Stay strong. There are people out there who will do whatever it takes to make sure that the loss of life is not as bad as in Chch.

I dread to think.